Repetto Gallery is delighted to announce the inauguration of its new headquarters in Lugano, with this KENOSIS exhibition dedicated to two of the greatest Italian artists of the twentieth century: Lucio Fontana and Fausto Melotti.
Kenosis: emptying; kenós (emptiness): as renunciation, reduction and transparency, these are key terms by which to indicate the very heart of their poetics. Lucio Fontana (Rosario, Argentina, 1899 – Comabbio, Varese, 1968) and Fausto Melotti (Rovereto, 1901 – Milan, 1986). The exhibition presents a confrontation, a dialogue between two great artists who were also friends, showcasing their elective affinity in freeing art from matter, in making it ever more essential, lyrical and luminous. In breaking out of “our shell, our physical cortex.”
In Fontana’s work, in his splendid spatial environments and his famous cuts and holes, starting from the late 1940s, a clear, clean, radical essentiality in deep and minimal gestures very much espoused Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s favourite motto: Less is more. His fortunate, elegant reduction conquers more space and higher light. In the very clear-minded words of Melotti, “Fontana’s ‘cut’ is the emblematic need to get out of the informal jungle.”
In Melotti, the same reduction, grace and transparency may be found in a less vertical but more horizontal declination: the ideal horizontality of the ancient frieze, freely taken up in the new and diverse metopes of the story, of the narrative, of the archaic and classical myth.
"L’enigma tempo-spazio si fa luce al primo volo dell’anima."
Fausto Melotti
"The time-space puzzle becomes light on the first flight of the soul."
Fausto Melotti
"Una farfalla nello spazio eccita la mia fantasia; liberatomi dalla retorica, mi perdo nel tempo e inizio i miei buchi."
Lucio Fontana
"A butterfly in space excites my imagination; freed from the rhetoric, I get lost in time and start my holes."
Lucio Fontana