On the occasion of the nomination of Alba, italian capital of photography, Banca d’Alba is delighted to present the exhibition “Infinite Instant”, an anthology of 21 photographers, each represented by a single work: a particularly representative image. A thematic itinerary that brings together many classics such as Adams, Chiaramonte, Ghirri, Giacomelli, Radino, Guidi, Jodice, White, with some great contemporary artists who have also used and continue to use photography in their work, such as Long, Fulton and Kiarostami, Fulton and Kiarostami, and others young and old: Biasiucci, De Lonti, Fontcuberta, Hammacher, Mangano and Kinold, among others.This photographic exhibition thus takes the form of a deep and reflective immersion in the complexity of the image, which becomes a portal between apparent dualities and an indefinite totality of meaning. The title itself evokes an expansion beyond conventional boundaries, inviting us to pause at the threshold of a world revealed through light and shadow, life and art. Distinction emerges as a key element, delineating boundaries without erasing them, crossing the threshold of a world that offers itself in its completeness.
In this context, the image takes on a special meaning, symbolising a revealing essence that manifests itself as a form of unveiled intimacy. The adventure of the soul, fuelled by concrete experience, manifests itself in the liveliness of the moment, a moment that, because of its transience, slips into the past. This oscillation between reality and infinity becomes a central theme, the leitmotif of the exhibition, which leads us through a constant reflection on the transitory nature of human experience. In an instant, the photographic image unveils and reveals (re-velatio, to remove and place a veil), capturing the complexity and beauty of a moment that, though fleeting, contains eternity.
“Infinite Instant” is thus configured as an experience that invites one to transcend the barriers of common perception, opening the mind to a deeper connection with the truth embodied in the experience of reality. Alternating with the display of photographs will be many quotations from great writers, poets and philosophers on the vast subject of infinity.