From Sunday, April 16 Cirulli Foundation presents the new exhibition section Cut&Paste. Photocollage between Dada and Futurism.
A selection of about forty works, including collage and photocollage from Fondazione Cirulli’s collection, reflects on the field of visual research that impassioned the avant-garde from the 1910s to the 1930s, when continuous formal and aesthetic experimentation led to the search for new expressive techniques that would cancel any reference to the past, going so far as to deny the manuality of painting in favor of the choice of poor and ephemeral materials, such as newspaper clippings and photographic fragments, assembled in a composition that was seemingly meaningless but, in reality, took into account only the artist’s sensibility.
In Futurist works, the use of photocollage represents, instead, the desire to celebrate modernity through the exaltation of technological innovations and the vital energy they release. Among the artists is featured Bruno Munari, among the first artists in Italy to use the technique of collage and photomontage.